Revolve, Reuse, Renew: Fashioning a Sustainable

In a world where resources are finite, FOReT embraces the concept of circularity as a cornerstone of our sustainable fashion ethos. We understand that creating a sustainable future requires more than just using eco-friendly materials; it demands a transformative approach to the entire lifecycle of our products. Our vision of circularity is about designing products that not only have a minimal environmental footprint but also contribute positively to the ecosystem at every stage of their life.

Designing for Longevity and Reusability

At FOReT, circularity begins with thoughtful design. We create our products with longevity in mind, ensuring that each piece is timeless in style and durable in construction. Our focus on high-quality, sustainable materials like Cork, Banana Bark and metals such as stainless steel ensures that our products are not only elegant but also long-lasting. By designing for durability, we reduce the need for frequent replacements, thereby minimizing waste.

Reducing Waste through Innovation

Innovation is key to our circularity approach. We prioritise the use of materials made from agricultural residues that can be further adopted to give a new life in place of virgin materials. This also provide additional income to farmers and reduces pollution emanating from burning of such produce.

We continuously research and identify materials and partners that can help us in our vision. By adopting innovative practices, we aim to maximize the use of every material, transforming potential waste into valuable resources for new products.

Recycling and Repurposing: A Core Principle

We are committed to the principles of recycling and repurposing. Our goal is to ensure that at the end of their life, our products can be easily recycled or repurposed, thus keeping them out of landfills. This commitment extends to our packaging, which is designed to be minimalistic, reusable, and recyclable, aligning with our zero-waste philosophy.

Cradle-to-Cradle Philosophy

FOReT's adherence to a cradle-to-cradle philosophy reinforces our dedication to societal well-being. By designing products with a lifecycle approach, we minimize waste and contribute to a circular economy. This not only reduces our ecological footprint but sets an example for the broader industry. As consumers engage with products that embody this philosophy, they become part of a larger movement towards responsible consumption and environmental mindfulness.


FOReT is dedicated to educating and engaging our customers about the importance of circularity. Our Founder, Supriya S is a speaker at various institutions and events and shares her knowledge on the industry and circular economy.

We encourage our community to make conscious choices, not just in their purchases but also in how they care for and eventually repurpose or recycle their products. By fostering a community that values circularity, we amplify our impact and take meaningful steps towards a sustainable future.

Circularity at FOReT is not just a concept; it's a practical and ethical approach to fashion. We are committed to creating a cycle of sustainability that benefits not just our brand and customers, but the planet as a whole. Through our efforts in circularity, we are paving the way for a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry.

Collaboration for a Circular Economy

We believe that achieving true circularity requires collaboration across the fashion industry. We actively engage with suppliers, artisans, and environmental experts to share knowledge and develop practices that promote a circular economy.

This collaborative approach not only enhances our sustainability efforts but also inspires others in the industry to adopt circular practices.

Circularity at FOReT is not just a concept; it's a practical and ethical approach to fashion. We are committed to creating a cycle of sustainability that benefits not just our brand and customers, but the planet as a whole. Through our efforts in circularity, we are paving the way for a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry.